The Regulator’s focus in carrying out her role is to protect the interests of participants in the National Lottery and ensure the integrity and long-term sustainability of the National Lottery is safeguarded. Once these have been considered, the Regulator seeks to maximise returns for good causes.
The Government designs the parameters for the operation of the National Lottery – the games it sells, to whom, how, and where, and what percentage goes to good causes – and adjusts the design with each new Licence. The main change brought in by the current Licence in 2014 was the move to a private sector Operator, with Premier Lotteries Ireland DAC (PLI) awarded a 20-year Licence to run the National Lottery. Other changes allowed for the promotion of the new online channel for National Lottery sales but with specific controls in place to protect players from problem gambling online.
The Regulator’s approach centres on proactive compliance. The Regulator uses her powers to proactively check the Operator’s compliance and drive high standards for the National Lottery, rather than relying solely on enforcing non-compliance after the event.